Blog 5 - Changes to my Study Programe

Hello to everyone who is reading this amazing, beautiful, and magnificent blog. The topic of today is interesting, very interesting. Today I´m going to talk about my university specifically the university´s programe.

First of all, you have to know that I study in the University of Chile, in the Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty about 2 years ago.

Well.... where I can to start? There are many things to say about the organization in this university, but this is a very compromising situation because I'm sill studing here, so i will try to say the generalities about that and not to the specific cases.

In this career you hav to study, obviously, subjects related with chemistry like Organic Chemistry or Analitic Chemistry. But also, there are subjects like Mecanic or Electromagnetism and you say: what does it have to do with chemistry? In my experience, not much, and this is very stressful.

The workload is to much because always, the tests are very followed and that tires you a lot.

The faculty have many facilities but the infrastructure maybe is not the best or con be better. For example the floor of the place where we eat is a disaster. But if we talk about computers, the faculty have a lot of them and of a good quality.

The platform that we use to comunicate with our teachers is Ucursos and is very good…. when it works. Sometimes we need to upload things like reports or the tests and when this platform does not work you want to die and the stress invades your body.

About the teaching methods, depend on the teacher and like all in the live you can find good and bad teachers and you have to adapt to them.

Well this is all for today. I hope it was interesant for you and see you next time.


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