Blog 3 - Religion

 Hi everyone, how are you? fine? i'm glad. I know you were waiting this time of the week to read  this magnificent blog. Today i'm gonna write about the religion.

To start, I want to mention that i don't consider myself part of any religion. Considering this, I'm gonna talk you about my experience.

I studied all my life in the same school which is catholic. We prayed all days before starting the class and i thought that was the better for me and my soul (if i wanted to go to the heaven). In my family the happier person for this, was my grandma because she is so religious.

When i began to grow, mature and think for myself, i don't why but the religion turned in a very strange thing for me and i didn't want to practice it anymore. My grandma was angry about that but my mom always give me the confidence to think and do the things that i consider correct, so she supported me and support me.

What i want to say telling you this little history? I don't know if exist a "correct" religion to believe, but i think everyone should belive what they consider correct because, if exist respect, what is the problem if someone belive in a different god?

I wish you enjoyed this little reflexion and if you want to say something or think different, please write in the comments. I'm anxious to read you.

Goodbye and i hope to you have a nice week.


  1. I agree with you bro, I think that there is no one religion more correct than the other and the most important thing is to accept that people have different beliefs and opinions and that makes us human.


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