Blog 4 - Education

 Hi everyone, how are you?, how did going your week?, i hope every was ok. Today i'm back to talk about an important topic: The education.

In this country (Chile) exist two types of education: the public and the private (previously existed another one called subsidized private). Obviously in private education you must pay and the public education is free.

This have two points to consider in my opinion. one of them is the parental freedom to put your son in a education center that you consider good in diferents aspects like the religion or the strictness (for example). But the difference about the quality is huge. It can not be if you don't money to pay a private education you can not get a good education.

If you compare a public student with a private student, the difference in knowledge is just unfair. The education is a right and not a privilege.

This topic has been discussed for a long time ago, and the changes are not the best or the necessary. Now we have a new government and they said what they will things to change this situation, but see to believe.

I hope this reflection has been interesting to you and of course i would like yor opinion about this, so please tell me what do think in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading and see you the next week!


  1. I agree with your opinion, education is a right and it should not be better to pay, but unfortunately it continues and will continue (I hope not) to be so.

  2. It is unfortunate that education is better depending on the establishment and the wallet of the same, in this case I have a neutral ideal because I do not know anyone in my environment that has studied in a private school and I studied in a mixed technical high school, where I feel that the education was very good.


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