About me

 Hi. My name is Cristóbal Brilladero Cartes, I'm 20 years old and I'm a Chemistry and Pharmacy student.

In english i have to many weakness, for example, i don't understand altogether when a person talk to me in english, specifically, i can not distinguish the sounds. Also, sometimes i forgot how to write some words. And finally, my greatest weakness is that i don't know to much vocabulary.

About my strengths, i always had english in the school, so i have a strong base, and i have always liked music in english, so when i listen a song or read the lyrics and i see a word that i don't know, i search it and increase my knowledge.

In another theme, honestly i don't know to much about the present world situation. I only know that we are in a environmental and political crysis, and obviously this is not good and i do all the possible to help to solve the problems or when i don't understand the subjet, i don´t get involved.

Well this are some things about me and i hope that you will be fine.


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