Post 4 - Time travel to the future

Hello dear readers, how are you today?. Today, I, your trusted blogger to get you a really good time and that you can forget your sorrows.    

The topic of today is a trip, but not any trip, the time travel. Yes, every time this blog has less sense.

First of all, where or when would I go. This question is easy to answer, right? Well... no. It´s a really difficult question because you must decide if you want to go to the past or to the future.

If you want to go to the past you must be very, very, VERY careful. To be honest I don´t know how these things work, but, if time traveler movies have taught me anything, is that anything you do in the past will have an impact in the present and this scares me a lot. Just think about it, if you move something, if you touch something, if you step on anything, all your present can change and you don´t know if that change can be good or bad.

But, going to the future is not better. In my opinion knowing everything that is going to happen can be one of the boring things. You could know everything, the good and bad things that are going to happen and that takes a little of the fun out of life.

Summing up, if you make me choose when I would like to travel among the future or past, I say to you that I prefer not do take the trip and leave everything as it is. But if you force me to answer, probably I would tell you that I would travel back in time to avoid a war or something like that, although as I mentioned before, a lot of things could happen.

Well, this is all for today, I hope you enjoyed this blog and see you the next time.


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